My dad and I are huge Marlins fans. The team isn't that great, but we love them anyway. We went to 30 home games last year and plan to go to even more than that this year. Last year we went on our first road trip and visited Turner Field in Atlanta. We had a great time and are looking to continue our summer baseball trips this year.

The Marlins play the Mets, Phillies, and Nationals back to back, so we plan on following them through those three cities for an 8 day vacation. We also plan on stopping in Boston for a game at Fenway park. I have toured Fenway, but have not seen a game there before.

Any tips or advice when seeing the Phillies, Mets, Nationals, and Red Sox?

My high school economics teacher had us plan an imaginary summer vacation one year. We had to see all 30 ballparks in a 60 day period and only had $5,000.00. Ever since completing that project, I've wanted to see every stadium.

Are any of these cities where we NEED to rent a car? Or is public transportation pretty easy in these cities?

Thanks for any help you can give me!


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I would not rent a car at all on that trip - cost-prohibitive and not needed. Use Amtrak (buy tickets now as they are on sale and get more expensive close to the dates).I assume you are doing this in September. I would fly into NY and start there and then head to Philly and DC. Not sure how you will fit Boston in unless you are not going to go to all Marlins at Mets games and head to Boston for the Sept 13 game then head to NY on Sat morning - not sure you would make the Sat game...

Public transportation is great in all of these cities. I will be at the Marlins @ Phillies game that Monday after being in Baltimore and DC for games that weekend,

Thanks for the reply. After looking at the schedule it's not as realistic to fit Fenway Park in there as I had hoped it would be.

We are probably going to visit Boston as a whole separate trip. It's a great city and worth an extended stay.

Please let me know when you are in town for the Marlins game! I have been to 8 home games so far. I was fortunate enough to have free tickets last night and stayed for all 15 innings. The ballpark is amazing. I love going. It's the only place where you need a sweatshirt in the summer because they keep the A/C so cold! It's very inexpensive to attend games and we always have a good time. :)

They have a ton of ticket specials and I'm sure they'll add some more as the season winds down.

I'm going to the Marlins - Phillies game in Philadelphia. I haven't been to Miami's new park yet though so will sometime.

For DC, look at the Americana Hotel for a discounted hotel. Its a 2 Star but free breakfast and Wi-Fi in a great location. I would try to have some time for sightseeing in DC as well. My mustsees for DC would be the Monuments obviously, Arlington Cemetery (to stick with the baseball theme - look for Gen. Abner Doubleday's grave and William Howard Taft's - first President to throw out a pitch). Let me know if you have any specific DC questions - this is my 5th trip there.

Citi Field is great as well. lot to see in NYC as well. I can't help with hotels as I do it as day trips though.

Try this for hotels --

What a cool teacher you had. I hope you have a fun trip this summer. I am curious Lani- what is the vibe like in Miami right now? All we hear about is how bad the Marlins are and how the ballpark is empty! Are real fans (like you) worried that they cannot sell tickets even with a new ballpark?

There are huge Marlins fans out there??? jk
But seriously...
That sounds like a cool teacher! Fenway is great. Just don't drive to the stadium. Take the T and get off at the Kenmore stop. NOT the "Fenway" stop. Kenmore is a shorter walk. Although, when in doubt, follow the huge masses of people. Also, eat outside the stadium. The Italian sausages in the stands on Yawkey Way are much better than any of the food inside. Transportation in DC is similar only the subway is much faster than in Boston. Get off at the Navy Yard stop. I'm not sure about what else there is at Nationals Park because we missed the game (long story). As for Citi, I'll be there Wednesday and can tell about it after.

Hope I was of some help.



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