Hello Chasers! Are you going to Opening Day this year? If so, take a picture of yourself at the ballpark and post it in the thread below. It doesn't have to be a game on Sunday or Monday, it just has to be the ballparks first home game of the regular season. Lets see if we have Chasers attending Opening Day at all 30 Major League ballparks!

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I took a picture of the field last night, but I couldn't take one of me as I was working under cover.  That would have made me fit in better, but still, was not advised. 

The lineup caused by the new metal detectors at Comerica Park. 3-31-14

Wow, that looks like a mess! I wonder if this was pretty common around MLB today?

It's going to be a uniform rule NEXT year across MLB. The Tigers started a year early to work out the bugs

This is my husband and I at Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati.

Love the shirts! Looked like a great day in Cincy today (I watched from the couch in Seattle). Too bad the Reds couldn't hit the baseball though. :(

Opening Day at Chase Field!

Thanks for posting, David!

Me on the shift Opening Day was pretty nuts at the O.co coliseum, rain stopped just for the game then continued as I walked to my car post game. Lets go Oakland!!!

What do you do for the A's, Jack? 

I work with stadium services, which entails 3 different services. The one I primarily work for is the A's team which helps fans who are disabled, elderly or just have difficulties walking get to their seat from the train or the main gates (I recently received the title of manager for this particular service). I also help move things around the stadium like tables, chairs, promotional items and transformation from an A's stadium to a Raiders stadium. The final service is the kids fun zone which has speed pitch, soccer kick, batting cages and a tattoo station. Its a very fun job and love working at the O.co coliseum regardless of plumbing and flooding issues lol.

My pal and I in Cincinnati at GABP as documented by him and ESPN



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