4th Annual Meetup Day One

Event Details

4th Annual Meetup Day One

Time: June 24, 2017 from 11am to 8pm
Location: SunTrust Park
Street: 1100 Circle 75 Pkwy
City/Town: Atlanta, GA 30339
Event Type: official ballpark meetup
Organized By: Ballpark Chasers Staff
Latest Activity: Jun 23, 2017

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Event Description

Our 4th Annual Ballpark Chasers Meetup in Atlanta, Georgia! Saturday, June 24th, we will be meeting at the Braves' inaugural season of SunTrust Park. Sunday, June 25th, we will be meeting at Coolray Field, home of Gwinnett Braves (Triple-A of the Atlanta Braves).

Here is the final itinerary for Saturday:

11am-12:15pm: Group tour of SunTrust Park

12:30pm-2pm: Meet at Sports and Social Restaurant for lunch (walking distance from the ballpark). 

2pm-4pm: You are on your own to explore The Battery Atlanta and SunTrust Park. 

4:05pm: Brewers vs. Braves.

Here is a final itinerary for Sunday:

1:05pm: Norfolk vs. Gwinnett

*Keep in mind you will be responsible for purchasing your own ticket to the Gwinett Braves game on Sunday. Click here for more details and to RSVP your attendance. 

We are now accepting reservations for the Saturday Meetup! Here are your three options:

Option 1: Tickets to SunTrust ballpark tour & Atlanta Braves game. $45 - 4 Tickets left
Option 2: Ticket to SunTrust ballpark tour only. $20 - 4 Tickets left
Option 3: Ticket to Atlanta Braves game only. $25 - 4 Tickets left

T-shirts are designed! Famous ballpark artist, S. Preston, was kind enough to design another event logo for us. In order for the shirts to be printed, I need at least 12 ordered! Please click this link for sizes, pricing, and to order. Our order deadline is June 6th so please act quickly. The shirts will be shipped to me and I will be passing them out when you check in for the ballpark tour.

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Comment by John M Newkirk on June 11, 2017 at 4:24pm

who still wants to go to Gwinnett game on Sunday? 

Comment by Scott B on June 10, 2017 at 7:20pm

Can't wait for this latest edition of the chasers meetup!

Comment by Kurt Smith on May 9, 2017 at 2:02am

Unfortunately can't make it this year...but looking forward to next year's meetup...Fenway right Craig? :-)

Comment by Marlene Stein on March 23, 2017 at 6:16pm

Unfortunately, hubby and I cannot attend this year's meet-up due to hubby's pending hip replacement surgery. Hopefully next year! I know it will be a blast!

Comment by DJ on February 11, 2017 at 3:54pm

Just paid, I'll see ya'll in the ATL

Comment by Barry Hill on February 7, 2017 at 8:01am
I'm in for the game.
Comment by Michael J Thomas on February 7, 2017 at 7:12am

Looking forward to this year's 4th annual meeting. I live about 15 minutes from the new ballpark and will be happy to help in the festivities. Please let me know if you need some help on this end. I have just sent an RSVP and look forward to my city hosting this year's meeting, stadium tour and game against the Brewers.

Toronto in the summer of '15 was the 32 and final ballpark on the docket. All stadiums complete along with 5 All Star Games and the World Series back in '95 here in Atlanta,

I look forward to meeting many new folks and will start posting some photos from stadiums that I have visited. Get ready for a real treat. Suntrust Stadium is going to be another southern gem !

Feel free to reach out if you need any additional information.

Michael Thomas

678 354-8660

Kennesaw, Georgia

Comment by meg minard (30/44/205) on February 6, 2017 at 4:31pm

Unfortunately, I cannot make it this year.  Everyone have a great time!

Comment by John M Newkirk on February 6, 2017 at 3:00pm

Kim, we can figure something out lol

Comment by Jennifer Cole (28) on February 6, 2017 at 2:20pm

Welcome to the ATL, y'all! See you June 24th and 25th. Happy to try and answer any non-baseball Qs about ATL. Just my opinions and experience living here since '93 of course, not speaking for BallparkChasers.com  :)

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