Sports Illustrated conducted an online survey for fans to rank their hometown ballpark. Check it out at

Interesting observations...
*12 out of the top 15 are "new" stadiums.
*The classic 3: Wrigley, Fenway and Yankee didn't even crack the top 10.
*My two hometown parks (Safeco & Coors) rank #6 and #7. No surprise here since they are pretty much the exact same!
*Angel Stadium coming in 9th and Chase Field coming in 25th. Ummm...did SI get these figures mixed up?
*Dolphin Stadium coming in last- thank goodness considering they play in a football stadium!

What are your thoughts on your hometown ballpark and/or the other fan rankings?

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I am really surprised on the Yankee Stadium ranking. Maybe I am biased, being that Yankee is my hometown park, but I would have thought our hometown fans would give a better ranking. In any case, at least we beat Fenway! It's sad to say that I haven't seen any of the top 5. Can't wait to check them out in the near future.
Tropicana BETTER than Rangers Ballpark in Arlington? I've visited the Trop, but not the Rangers Ballpark, but Tropicana cannot be better than the Rangers park, can it?

I think this survey is a bad one, though my Tigers' Comerica Park is ranked 4th. I liked's one they did back in 03. thoughts exactly! The crazy thing is that it is a fan survey and not some journalist that just did a little online research. Let us know if you can find an old link for the ESPN survey...

If the link doesn't work, my mistake, but it should. I had it bookmarked. It's a good system they use I think, but a little outdated (Still had Olympic Stadium, the Vet, and the Murph on there). They actually updated it a few times, but I haven't found the link for that yet.
St. Petersburg people must be nuts.
Tim...I loved Comerica Park. It's definitely in my top five. The scoreboard is awesome. Do they still have the singing hot dog guy there?
An interesting ranking by ESPN. A different approach to say the least. The fan intelligence ranking caught my eye. You would think that the fans that actually attend a Marlins game are there to specifically watch baseball, and yet 60% have a below average "baseball intelligence." What else would they be there for?

Before I make this next statement, a disclaimer: I am a Cubs fan. That being said, I am shocked at how high the Cubs are ranked. I have been to many a game and let me tell you, at times it feels more like the biggest outdoor bar in the United States than a ballpark. Especially in the bleachers, but it is a great time!



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