Heading to Busch this summer (1 of 6 parks on road trip) with my son and it will likely be a one and only opportunity.  I bought section 451 row 1 already to get a great view of the skyline and arch.  I am beginning to have reservations about the 451 section and the big Budweiser awning that is right in front of this section.  I enjoy taking pictures with a wide angle lens and think I'll miss a lot of the area behind home in section 451. I am wondering if I should sell these tickets and spend $50 more for the next section down 350.  Anyone familiar with both sections?  Thanks a lot!   

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I've sat section 347 and thought it was just fine. I've never sat in the 400's but I assume if you have first row, you'll be fine for taking pictures.  At least there won't be any heads in your way. 

I live in STL and have gone to many games at Busch.

First, if you are sitting above the Budweiser awning, subtract 3 from your row # for your actual row.  In other words, row 4 is really row 1.  If you are in row 4-7 (on your ticket, not actual), you will have a railing in your way as the seats are not elevated at all. From row 4 you can't see second base. From row 6-7 the batters box is obstructed. You need to be above row 7 to have a view not obstructed by the railing.

If you are above row 7, you will be able to see home plate and most of the field... you lose a little of the corner and some foul territory but that's it.

Other than that, the only difference is that you are lower. It's not worth a $50 difference in my opinion. The 400 level seats are not terribly high up, plus if it's hot you get a cross-breeze from the chain link fence at the top of the stadium which cools you down. You just need to decide for your pictures what angle you will want. You can also go anywhere in the stadium you want to before the game starts, and ushers are usually cool with you snapping a picture or two between innings in a non-ticketed section.

Bonus tip: Take the MetroLink to the game. I live west of the stadium and park at the North Hanley Park & Ride, then take the train for $4.50 round trip.  You just need to be careful to leave Busch before the last train runs or you're stuck.

Let me know if any other Busch questions.

Mike, chances are it will be my one and only visit to Busch Stadium so I decided to put the ticket I originally purchased (section 451 row 4) on Stubhub and went with purchasing Infield Pavilion section 351, Row 1 for a little more.  From what you mentioned, I might not be gaining much but if nothing else, maybe a tad closer... We will definitely get to the park early and walk around.  It is interesting you listed PNC as your favorite park given the prevailing opinion of Busch being absolutely beautiful with the arch in the background.  Then again, I hear the same of PNC with the three bridges in the background... We will be hitting PNC on 9/9 and again on 8/11.  I can not wait to see both.  Thanks for the reply!

I'm actually not a fan of Busch Stadium. I wrote a blog post explaining why. Of course, everyone's experience will be different. This is just reflective of mine. The only thing I will say is that Ballpark Village has finally been completed. I need to update that on my post.




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