Our staff needs help! We want to add a "Favorite Bar or Brewery" to each Chaser Guide. What is your favorite bar or brewery within a short distance of each Major League Ballpark? Why do you like it? What is your favorite drink and/or food there?

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Tampa Bay:

-Five Buck Brewery (take the trolley to/from the game)
-Flying Pig- Like 50 beers on tap, super nice inside (like 5 doors up from Ferge's

-My Opinion on Ferg's- EVRYONE says to go here, but honestly, its an outdoor bar that is HOT even with the fans blowing. It has a frat boy atmosphere and the food is super bar-ish. It definitely gets crowded and you should at least give it a try, but just have low expectations and then it will be a blast.

About half hour drive from the ballpark- Toasted Monkey in St. Pete Beach. Awesome bar on the beach. Has a Tiki feel. It's worth it to take an Uber to see the ocean.



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