I think the ballpark map is incomplete as to what it includes. I believe it should also include all past ballparks, as many of us have been to stadiums that are now gone or are no longer in use. Personally, in addition to the current stadiums I've been to, I have also attended games at Busch Memorial Stadium, Tigers Stadium, Comiskey Park, The Metrodome, and Riverfront Stadium. I would love to be able to add these to my map and lists and also be able to see the old stadiums that others have attended as well. Is there already a way to do this and I'm just missing it? Does anyone else feel this way?

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Hey Matt- thanks for the feedback! You are right on page with us as well. However, we wanted to keep current and past ballparks separate as the map would look over-crowded with pins, if combined. Our plan is to run with this widget during the 2010 season and create a "retired ballpark widget" during the off season. Let me know if you think of any features you would want to see for this next one.
Good idea, but from my experience you didn't miss much by missing the "new/old" stadiums.

In my first go round on this "Ballpark Chaser" thing (circa late 70's/early 80's) I got to the Kingdome in Seattle (I was happy with the implosion) "old" Comiskey Park ("Disco Demolition Night" couldn't make it look any worse than it did anyway) Veterans Stadium in Philly, Three Rivers in Pittsburgh, (those cookie cutters were just awful for baseball) Memorial Stadium in Baltimore (actually not that bad - but in a very non-descript part of town), Municipal Stadium in Cleveland (they didn't call it the "mistake by the lake" for nothing), Jack Murphy now Qualcomm in San Diego (a football field in the least attractive part or a VERY COOL city), Olympic Stadium in Montreal (there's a roof - nope there isn't a roof; there's a roof - nope there isn't a roof; but GREAT exchange rate at the time - I think I MADE money for hot dogs and beer), and my choice for all time worst MLB baseball venue - Exhibition Stadium in Toronto ( It was an open air stadium with a baseball layout over a 150 yard CFL field. The right field fence was just that - a 6 foot tall plywood fence painted green - and standing all alone at about the 40 Yard line. There was NOTHING behind it other than football marked astroturf. You want weird? Imagine the sight of a Home Run to right field clearing the fence then just bouncing along the hash marks to the end zone goal post with no one and nothing there to stop it. I found myself glancing over at the ball sitting there the whole game and wondering when, if ever, someone would come and pick it up.

I understand that some of the "old/old" parks (Forbes Field, Shibe Park, Crosley Field, Ebbets Field) were pretty intimate - but I also understand they were a bit short on comfort and amenities.

I think if you look at it objectively, WE ARE IN THE GOLDEN AGE OF BALLPARKS RIGHT NOW.

We get the character and city centered ambiance of the old parks along with creature comforts that could not have even been imagined "back in the day".

That's certainly what got me back into the "chase".

I like baseball - but the ballparks are the stars.

Which brings me to a final point and my view of my "home" ballpark:

I know it's beloved, a baseball shrine and all but let's be honest IT IS A PIT!!!

There is no parking, the tickets are over priced and impossible to get - if you do get them you end up sitting behind a pole half the time, the seats don't fit your butt, the bathrooms are disgusting, the concrete stinks of 100 years of spilled beer, urine and rotted peanuts and if you descend into the catacombs to get food or drink you can't see any of what is going on and it's so crowded it feels like a roller derby match !!!

Just like they did at Citifield and Yankee Stadium they could build a new ballpark right next to where Fenway is now, have it be an exact replica of Fenway (wall and all) but make it modern and comfortable in the vein of PNC Park, Target Field, etc.

Then again it IS the PAAAAAAK and probably going nowhere soon.



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