Anyone have a clue as to how far up is too far in the bleachers for sections 201 & 239 to where you start having an obstructed view? Looking at tix for July 25th on StubHub and it says its possibly obstructed, just curious :)


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I think "POSSIBLY" osbtructed is a generous description.

"DEFINITELY" obstructed is probably more truthful.

It's not really a matter of how high up you go, both thoese sections are in dead center and right next to the raised center field Batters Eye complex.

In the higher rows the view is admittedly worse but how close your seats are to true center field (i.e. the Batters Eye complex) is more critical than row height.

From any seat within ten of the "wall" the complex forced to look staright ahead - meaning in 201 you can't see anything going on in left field and in 239 you can't see anything going on in right field.

I'ld stay away from seats out there altogether, since particularly even from full view seats in the bleachers you miss the full experience of the highlight feature of new Yankee Stadium - the incredible HD TV (they call it a scoreboard but trust me - it's like watching TV in your livingroom) that sits above the bleachers.

I suggest that anything behind home plate in the upper deck will give you a better view of the game and a better overall stadium experience that will the bleachers - particularly the sections you mentioned.
I would have to agree with Scott. Stay away from the outfield bleachers and move behind the plate and upper deck for a better view.
That would be nice if possible... but do to the # of people, 6, and the pricing and a few other factors... bleachers will be the only thing to work for us. :)
If the bleachers it is, then move more to right field than left - closer to the foul line the better.

Not sure where they are exactly in the new Stadium but in the right field bleacher near the fould pole in the old stadium is a group of regulars (40 to 50) who have one of the best fan interactions in baseball - Yankees Role Call.

When the Yankees take the field at the top of the first these regulars chant the player names - position by position - and don't stop until the given player acknowledges them with a glove/hand wave, Cap tip or something.

For instance when they get to shortstop it's: Der-ek-Jet-er (clap, clap - clap, clap, clap); Der-ek-Jet-er (clap, clap - clap, clap, clap) then when he ackowledges them it's on to third and: A-Rod, A-Rod (clap, clap - clap, clap, clap); A-Rod, A-Rod (clap, clap - clap, clap, clap) and on to every player on the field.

If they aren't your team it's easy to hate the Yankees - especially at Yankee Stadium - but you have to give these bleacher guys their props.
Oh yeah, the guys from (I believe it was) Section 39! Sat in that section when I was in town back in 2005 with my wife. Was quite fun. Had a great time talking to them about the 2004 ALCS as well. Was shocked how most of them were cool with it, no real hatred, yet most also believed it was ketchup on Schillings sock and he had a fake limp... interesting. Ironically enough, later that night I stepped on a ketchup packet with my left foot and it shot it on to my right sock... we all got a good laugh outta that :)

Box seats suck! Box Seats Suck! Box Seats Suck! :)
lol....any pictures of your "bloody sock"?!!
Ya know, I took a lot of pictures, but I just looked back and that wasn't one of them. Funny enough too, the game was against the M's and I wore my shirt and hat and nobody said a word to me. I also had a pair of Red Sox sunglasses hanging from my neckline, nuttin was said. :)



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