Tigers' utility 3rd baseman Brandon Inge has been selected to be on the Final All-Star ballot.

Please vote as much as you can, Mr. Web Gem sure deserves it! (As of one week ago, he was leading all Major League defensive players in ESPN Web Gems) He can play multiple positions, the outfield, third, and catch. He's a talented athlete in a variety of sports and is a great candidate for the American League Team. I believe he'll do whatever he can if he is selected!

2009 Stats:
279 AB
.269 BA
75 Hits
19 HR
9 2B
1 3B
54 RBI

.964 Fielding Percentage

Vote here:

Thank you!!

Update: After the first twenty-four hours of voting, Inge is second place following Texas' Ian Kinsler!

Update: Brandon Inge has been voted to be the thirty-third and final person on the 2009 American League All-Star Roster, after receiving 11.8 million votes!!

Views: 46



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