Doug Miller (30)

50, Male

Port Orchard, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Is it a life goal to see all 30 Major League Ballparks?
How many current MLB ballparks have you visited?
Seen them all
What is your favorite ballpark?
Fenway Park

Comment Wall:

  • Ken Lee (30/43)

    Hey Doug! Good to see ya over here! I love this site!
  • Craig (17)

    Hey Doug- thanks for joining us here at Ballpark Chasers!
  • Craig (17)

    love the new profile pic! I am jealous! :)
  • Matt Nelson (35)

    My wife just rolled her eyes when that t-shirt came in the mail. I got it here: Zazzle - Historic Ballparks of Baseball. The guy who draws the illustrations there has a website at Historic His work is also featured on the cover recent edition of the book "Green Cathedrals."
  • Craig (17)

    ha ha...that makes me feel better!
  • Craig (17)

    How was the Mariners Fan Fest?
  • Evan (13)

    Rough break on the Opening Day stuff. Great thing about baseball...there's always next season. And still probably preferable to not being able to pay the bills!
  • Ken Lee (30/43)

    My favorite line from Major League is "You want me to drag him outta here and kick the shit outta him?" :)