All Blog Posts (1,072)

My first game of 2011

I ended up going to the game on the 30th with one of my

oldest friends Rob. I had the best tickets I had ever had at a Tigers game. About 20 rows up from the 3rd base (Tigers) dugout. Rob and I have been to dozens of Tigers games together. One time we were on one the 3rd base side mid outfield. I had just gotten a fresh beer from a vendor when a foul ball headed in our direction. It bounced a few rows in front of us and then between Rob and I. We were…


Added by RJ Breisacher on September 24, 2011 at 10:05pm — No Comments

Man Plans, God Laughs!

I came home on leave from Afghanistan from the 26th of Jul until the 9th of August. My girlfriend, Melissa, is Canadian and had never been to a Tigers game before. She’s not even really a fan yet. I got tickets for the 30th of July for the Tigers game against the Angels. We were both incredibly excited about going to a game together and I had aimed to make it an experience that she would never forget. I was excited to show her all the secrets of Comerica Park. I wanted to take her to the roof… Continue

Added by RJ Breisacher on September 23, 2011 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Catching Hell: ESPN Films

Finally! ESPN is airing "Catching Hell"! I have been waiting for this one ever since reading about it on Ballpark Chasers. The last I heard it was cancelled so much to my surprise ESPN is running ads that it is airing next Tuesday, September 27th. Anyone else interested in the documentary and story? You can see the mini preview here. October 14th is the anniversary- surprised they didn't wait a couple of week to premier this?

Added by Jack (6) on September 22, 2011 at 10:50pm — 3 Comments

I Love/Hate you

I’m excited for this trip! I can’t wait to get out of Afghanistan so I can properly plan it.  My girlfriend, Melissa, is Canadian and has only been to minor league baseball games before.  It’s going to be a great little adventure for the two of us.  It will be a great way for her to truly understand my love for baseball.  Maybe I can even get her to love baseball as much as she loves hockey.  It’s a long shot but, just maybe.  Being over here gives me a ton of time to spend money on…


Added by RJ Breisacher on September 22, 2011 at 6:55pm — 5 Comments


I deployed to Bagram Afghanistan in December of 2010 and once

again I was thousands of miles away, without Fox Sports Network Detroit, ESPN, and Tigers Radio. There are several ways I am able to keep up. The internet here is awful at best but it at least allows us to get on,, and This time around I got on and subscribed to MLB radio. I was able to listen to every game, every day. The internet in my room is not fast enough for me to…


Added by RJ Breisacher on September 19, 2011 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

Finding a Detroit Gem!

As I was approaching another deployment during the summer of 2010 I went to several games. The game from that summer that sticks out in my mind is the one that I went to with two other soldiers in my unit. Chris lives up in that area so we met at his place and took a taxi downtown. It was Elvis night and there were a million Elvis’ running around.We decided to get a drink and it was the first time I had ever had one of those giant slushy alcoholic drinks at Comerica. If you find yourself at…


Added by RJ Breisacher on September 18, 2011 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Baseball, Wounded Warrior, Hockeytown!

During the summer of 2009 I went to a ton of Tigers games. I was

even there on the cold final night of the season when it came down to the Tigers and Twins for the final playoff spot. The Tigers lost that game and eventually Minnesota would go on to represent the AL Central in the Playoffs. That was a good game for me. I went as a guest of my Team Leader in Iraq. He had been injured in Iraq and was now a part of the wounded warrior project. The Wounded Warrior Project…


Added by RJ Breisacher on September 17, 2011 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Thank you Army!

            I think part of the reason for my renewed passion is because I joined the US ARMY. Baseball is America’s game. I know that people are more passionate about football in this day and age but every boy dreams of one day becoming a professional baseball player. Playing in front of everybody you love, signing baseballs, winning the World Series with a walk off homer in the bottom of the 9th of game 7, and being the hero. Just as every American boy dreams of someday being in the army.…


Added by RJ Breisacher on September 15, 2011 at 9:21pm — No Comments

And the Passion returns

I stayed by the Tigers through the toughest of times. I didn’t go back to a Tigers game for a really long time. I lived about an hour away and my parents were not into sports that I wasn’t participating in. As an adult I’m not sure when my passion for the Tigers returned - I don’t even remember my first game at Comerica Park. I just know that I absolutely love the park. It’s a wonderful place that is filled with the dreams of thousands of people nightly. I love seeing the statues of Ty Cobb,…


Added by RJ Breisacher on September 14, 2011 at 6:19pm — No Comments

2012 MLB Schedule: Florida Marlins home opener

The Cardinals and Miami Marlins will begin the season with the opening of Florida's new ballpark on Wednesday, April 4. Anyone plan on going? Any guesses at what the ballpark will be called?


Added by Craig (17) on September 14, 2011 at 9:15am — 16 Comments

My Baseball-Less Days

From my first game I was hooked. I was going to grow up and be a professional baseball player. I played in little league and I don’t think I was anything better than average but that didn’t matter. It was the game that I loved. I played every summer from then until I was in 5th grade. That year just as school was about to begin…


Added by RJ Breisacher on September 13, 2011 at 9:09pm — No Comments

My first game!

Do you remember your first Big League baseball game? I do. I was

seven years old and my grandfather took me to see the one and only Detroit Tigers! I idolized my grandfather and for him to take me made the experience that much more special. He loved the Detroit Tigers - he loved all Detroit sports in fact. He had a room in his house dedicated to sports memorabilia. It was his office but, I remember calling it the “baseball room”. The room is no longer filled with sports memorabilia but I…


Added by RJ Breisacher on September 12, 2011 at 8:39pm — 6 Comments

10 years later

10 years later

I’m sure being back in the United States - or wherever it is you hail from - you’ve heard this quote, “Where were you when the 2nd plane struck the World Trade Center” a million times. Well I’ve heard it a time or two from where I am. That is a moment in my life I will never forget.…

Added by RJ Breisacher on September 11, 2011 at 6:22am — 2 Comments


Added by Cameron Hudson on September 8, 2011 at 2:15pm — No Comments

Why I'm a ballpark chaser.

I have a rather ambitious dream.  It is going to take an incredible amount of

work and dedication to accomplish but, hell, I’m an American Soldier.  I can do anything! 

Let me start from the beginning.  Hi, my name is RJ Breisacher.  My guys call me SGT B.  I prefer RJ considering by the time next baseball season rolls around I will no longer be in the military.  I am currently deployed to Afghanistan.  In 2008-2009 I was in…


Added by RJ Breisacher on September 8, 2011 at 11:51am — 3 Comments

#19 Asheville Tourists

On a sunny and hot North Carolina summer, my lady and I ventured with our two dogs to the mountainside of the Appalachians. In between the Bilmore Estate, the hippie streets of downtown Asheville, and blue mountains of Appalachia is nestled the downhome McCormick Field. In late July, we visited my #19 ballpark, and it was everything minor league baseball should be.



Added by Nick DiColandrea on September 5, 2011 at 3:18pm — No Comments

The Blue Frog

I've been asked to explain the blue frog that you see in a few of my pictures.  Well, everybody meet Sarge!  Sarge, meet the Ball Park Chasers! 

The night before I left for Iraq my sister who was 3 at the time was attached to my leg.  I was about to go home and spend my last night in my own bed when my sister (I call her monster) came to me with the little blue frog in her hand.  She said, "Have this.  Everytime you see it you will think of me."  Holy ton of bricks Batman!  It was the…


Added by RJ Breisacher on September 2, 2011 at 10:21pm — No Comments

Minor League Baseball Stadiums


We now have 128 minor league baseball reviews up on the site. By the end of the season we should top the 150 mark, and next season I hope we'll have a review of each affiliated park. Come by and tell us about your favorite minor league park.

Added by Paul Swaney (19) on August 30, 2011 at 2:26pm — No Comments

Mike Lansing Field - Casper, Wyoming

MMike Lansing Field in Casper, Wyoming, is my final visit for my work series, "Ballparks of the Midwest."  Certainly, it's not the Midwest, but, it wasn't too far out of the way on my way back from Utah, and I managed to catch an official game before it rained. Not a great ballpark, but I certainly had some fun with the glow in the dark hats.… Continue

Added by Matt Nelson (35) on August 23, 2011 at 10:45pm — 2 Comments

Stadium Tour Book

Thanks for taking the time to read this...


Over a period of five years, my two best friends and I toured all 30 of the Major League Stadiums.  Since the end of our stadium tour, we have visited one baseball venue each of the last four years.  In the meantime, I was also able to compile notes, pictures and experiences.  I wrapped them up in this neat little package that I like to call:  A bLISTful Five Years:  The Baseball Stadium Tour.


Aside from discussion…


Added by Todd Franiuk on August 22, 2011 at 8:24pm — No Comments

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