In case you missed Thursday night’s game between the Padres and Rockies...check out the scoreboard for the summary.

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Comment by Craig (17) on April 21, 2008 at 4:46pm
A game like this would be so much fun to attend! This ranks up there with seeing a no-hitter, 500th home run, 3000th base hit. The most coveted game to see in my opinion has to be witnessing a perfect game though...
Comment by greg on April 19, 2008 at 4:21pm
And who was watched until the end? I watched through 11 innings,...dozed off and awoke at the bottom of the 14th, with the Rockies up 1-0. Of course, Corpas blew the save, and I watched through 15. As it was then after midnite, I gave up and went to sleep.

I also happened to be at the 18 inning game a couple years back. Stayed though 13, but, as my daughter and I were to get up early for a 16 hour drive to take her to college the next morning, we decided that we really needed to go. Hated it, but, discretion is the better part of valor sometimes. Drove home, listing on the radio, and actually got to watch the end!


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