As I sit here watching the final regular season game ever to be played at Yankee Stadium, I cannot help but feel as though we are losing a part of baseball. I get this way too with each passing of a former Major League Baseball star. That’s life, I guess- all good things must come to an end. Despite being a baseball fanatic and ballpark guru, this is the first time I have felt this way about an end of a ballpark. However, Yankee Stadium is not your typical ballpark. No other ballpark in baseball history matches the historical significance that Yankee Stadium holds. From Babe Ruth’s first home run, to Lou Gehrig’s goodbye speech, to Joe DiMaggio’s 56 game hit streak, to Don Larson’s perfection, to Jackie Robinson stealing home, to Roger Maris’ 61st, to Sandy Koufax’s 15 strikeouts, to Mr. Octobers World Series performance, to George Brett’s pine tar, to President Bush’s pre-game strike, to the 37 World Series played here, one cannot begin to comprehend what this baseball cathedral has seen over its 84 years of existence. Even though I was lucky enough to see one game at Yankee Stadium, I kick myself for not being at the game tonight. I just wish I could walk through the gates one more time, visit Monument Park one more time, listen to the voice of Yankee Stadium and their fans one more time and get one more chance to look for the ghosts of Yankee Stadium’s past. Despite the cross-county flight and $1000 ticket price, I still should have made it happen. Will there ever be another time in my life to witness such a historical night in baseball? I think about what I would have done if I was there. I fantasize about being the fan to catch the last ever home run hit in Yankee Stadium or bribing the Yankees to let me be the one to turn off the lights for the final time. Even if I could just walk out on the field to scoop up a handful of dirt and stand on the same ground that the greatest baseball players in history have once played. Anything to keep a piece of Yankee Stadium history, I guess. This must just be my way to deal with the loss. Maybe if I just had something tangible to hold onto it would be easier. But all of a sudden the little voice in my head says, “You can’t take it with you”. A sense of peace comes over me now knowing that maybe I will get another chance to go to Yankee Stadium…in Heaven that is.

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Comment by Doug Miller (30) on September 13, 2009 at 9:10pm
Haven't had a lot of time to just read through past posts. I can understand how you felt. We were able to hit 2 games last year. The 2nd game we were at a day Yankee, night Mets game. Amy asked if I wanted to leave early so we wouldn't feel pressured to hit the train, but I just wanted to take it in. The last few innings of what at the time was a comfortable lead, I just spent looking around and holding it in. I know it wasn't the "original" stadium anymore, but the aura was still there. I honestly thought about trying for All Star tickets, I even thought about how cool it would be to hit the last Old Timer Day game. But in the end, it was better being at just a regular game, on a regular day, in the middle of the week. I was there with the every day crowd and was actually able to enjoy it. I don't know if I would have felt that way at the final game, it would have been too busy and too much pomp.
Comment by Jack (6) on September 22, 2008 at 10:26am
Well said, Craig. I was also sad yesterday having to say goodbye to Yankee Stadium. I was impressed by the farewell the Yankees gave last night. I got chills seeing Yogi behind the plate again and seeing Babe Ruth's daughter throw out the first pitch. I was so glad to see the Yanks win the game and hit the last home run. I have been to several games at Yankee Stadium and no other park in baseball can or will ever compare. It is going to be hard for the new Yankee Stadium to top it.


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