2014 - Most agressive plan for our family

We decided back in 2005 that we would attempt to do all 30 by the time our son graduated high school.  Well, even though we have stuck to the plan, there were a couple of years when all we could get in was one new ball park.  So here we are at the start of the 2014 season and we have 16 down and 14 to go.  For the first time ever, we have tickets in hand for four new parks.  Detroit in April,  Oakland and SF in June and Philly in early August.  That will get us to 20 with just 4 years left.  With what we have left, it will be hard to get those last 10 parks in four years.  But we have not hit Southern Cal yet nor the Missouri parks, so those can be tripled and doubled up respectively.  The tricky ones for us are the "corners" of Seattle, Boston and Miami  (Colorado and Houston are the remaining two).  A valiant effort by us and of course, we won't let a silly thing like college keep us from completing the tour.  I also want to go back to Minnesota for Target Field,  our experience there was in 2005  (Ballpark #2) and from what I understand, Target Field is much nicer than the Metrodome  (RIP).  Have a great season everyone and happy and safe travels wherever you go.

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Comment by David Lasdon on March 14, 2014 at 8:42pm

Read my ballpark chaser tips on flights. Obviously, prices will vary based on where you are but doing a minimum of three ballparks in a weekend makes it economical. Over Memorial Day weekend, Saturday through Monday, I'm going to Seattle, San Francisco, and Oakland. Excluding the flight to Seattle and back from Oakland I'm only taking one flight, from Seattle to San Francisco and that one is $119. So three games and only three flights. 

I'm from LA but flights from the Bay area to LA and San Diego are cheap on Southwest. So it may make sense to combine them. Likewise find a weekend where Houston and Dallas are both home, because a flight between the two is cheap. 

Comment by Todd England on March 14, 2014 at 7:06pm

We actually have not thought of that.  We should definitely look into that for 2015!  Especially on the way back from Seattle.  I think Denver and Houston are both Hub cities for a couple of airlines so that sounds like a good plan to consider.  Thanks Lisa.

Comment by Lisa (21) on March 14, 2014 at 5:09am

I have a couple, Arizona, Toronto, & Seattle, that I kept thinking were gonna be hard to get to, and be expensive weekend getaways. From where I live Seattle alone was looking like a $500 round trip flight.  But I started looking at multi city destinations, and to my surprise I can fly to Arizona, Seattle, and back home for $550! So that's our new plan.  Maybe look into doing something like that.  You may be flying all over the country but should be able to still knock out a ballpark or three over a long weekend.


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