April 24-28 First Chaser Trip of the Year

I'm two weeks away from my first chaser trip of the year. I know I've written about how I plan these, so here it is in action.

Game 8: Thursday, April 24, 2014, Yankees at Red Sox, Fenway Park

I fly on a non-stop from LA to Boston that arrives in to Boston at 4 PM. It's on American, which isn't my preferred airline, and it leaves at 7 AM. I don't like doing that. But that's the only flight I can get that I know I'll make it before the game, even if there's a problem. I avoid connecting flights because then you have two flights that can be late. 

I'm staying at a hotel that got decent reviews on Yelp, but it's not well known. Hotels in Boston are pricey. And this one is near the airport and subway. So it'll be convenient to get to the game. Not only are hotels pricey, but game tickets to the Red Sox are too. I'm in the bleachers. Everything else is really expensive. I haven't been to Fenway in 25 years. I went back to Wrigley for the first time in 20 years last August. It really didn't measure up to the modern ballparks. That may be the case here too.

Game 9: Friday, April 25, 2014,, Royals at Orioles, Camden Yards

I'm on a Jet Blue flight that leaves at noon. I don't have to be up too early and it gets in to Baltimore well before the game. I'm going with my brother and nephews. I haven't been with my nephews since they were little. So this'll be a treat. We're staying at the Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor. This is the best choice for me. Hilton is my preferred brand and the hotel is within walking distance of the ballpark. 

I was at Camden Yards 18 years ago, back when it was new. Does it still measure up? We'll see. 

Game 10: Saturday, April 26, 2014, Padres at Nationals, Nationals Park

One nice thing is that my brother will be driving. So getting to DC will be easy. My cousin lives nearby and she just had a baby yesterday. I think I can squeeze her in before the game. I'll drive to Philly with my brother after the game and stay overnight there. Yes, I'm the ultimate thrifty chaser getting a free night with family.

I've been to Nationals Park in 2008 and 2011. Good stadium.

Game 11: Sunday, April 27, 2014, Marlins at Mets, Citi Field
Game 12: Sunday, April 27, 2014, Angels at Yankees, Yankee Stadium

This is ambitious and that makes it fun. I haven't been to either of these stadiums and I'm doing both on one day. I'll catch an early train to New York and meet up with an old college buddy at Citi. I've been to Shea, but never Citi. Shea was a toilet, so anything better than that will be a delight. 

I'll have plenty of time after the game to catch the 7 train to Grand Central and then the 4 train to the Bronx. I'll meet up with another old college buddy and we'll catch the Yankees. Yes, this is a different college buddy. As anyone who knows New Yorkers knows Met fans wouldn't be caught dead at Yankee Stadium and vice versa. I've been to Old Yankee but not new Yankee. 

Then I head back to LA on Monday. I actually used my miles to upgrade to first class. I think I'll be tired.

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Comment by David Lasdon on April 29, 2014 at 11:07pm

Cold, exhausting, amazing, fun. It's all on my blog at http://all30stadiums.blogspot.com. The weather really got in the way. It was really cold every night game and Citi Field is as cold as Shea used to be. I honestly have no idea how anyone can do 30 stadiums in 30 days and enjoy themselves. When I was sitting in the cold at Citi, my 4th stadium in 4 days, I wanted to call it and go someplace warm. But I knew that I'd just have to go back to Yankee later. So I went to the game right afterward. I'm glad the trip is done though.

It was also amazing. Everyone I met at the ballpark was super nice, because everyone is a good person at the ballpark. They all were envious of my 30 stadium quest. And there's something cool about knowing that the only thing I have to do is get to the next city and the next stadium. I love baseball and enjoyed each ballpark. I loved checking in on my "At The Ballpark" ap. It says I've checked in at 14 stadiums since last summer.

I loved that I was able t share this with people I care about. My brother and nephews joined me for the Baltimore and Washington games and I met up with old college buddies at Citi and Yankee. They were all part of my quest.

Comment by Lisa (21) on April 29, 2014 at 7:39pm
How was the trip?
Comment by David Lasdon on April 29, 2014 at 4:01pm

I believe I travel economically, taking inexpensive flights, using miles, and staying in comfortable, yet not too pricey hotels. I'm not 22, so I don't stay in hostels. If I'm going to do this, I want to enjoy myself.

Comment by jeff on April 29, 2014 at 11:58am

wow!! you travel in style..I take greyhound buses or the 1 dollar megabus from city to city and stay in hostels. If a city doesnt have a hostel, like Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, KC, Cleveland, I just have to be a little creative, usually just sleep in the lobby of some downtown hotel....heard a great conversation between Bruce Bochy and some reporters that follow the team in the Giants team hotel in Cincy. He was sharing stories of what it was like catching JR Richards, even though they were keeping me awake because I was on the chair right next to them, it was worth losing sleep, even though I had a 7am greyhound to catch to Cleveland in the morning.

Comment by Lisa (21) on April 16, 2014 at 6:59am

Sounds like a great trip/weekend!  I loved hearing the details you have planned out; sounds very much like every trip we take.  Having a schedule makes things much easier to enjoy!!  All the planning is done, and it's almost time to sit back and enjoy! :D


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