Game Dates Set for Blind Baseball Traveler 30-30 Tour

Days after I wrote the update to my 30 ballpark, 30 day plan, things began to finally come together. I had to make a final set of schedule alterations, but the blind baseball traveler is now 55 days from the ultimate baseball dream.

I’ve managed to also make arrangements with a few teams so far to see the field, particularly in the outfield where the ballparks have their personality or lack thereof.

Seats for all but four teams have been purchased, with the Cubs, Nationals, and Mariners to come later this week. The Yankees have not yet announced their date of sale for single game tickets, but I assume that is just a matter of time now.

This site has not been as easy for me to post too, so please pardon my lack of updating here, as I’ve taken to posting the updates of my progress on the Facebook page I referenced in my post of January 15. The address to that page again is for those who want to follow there by liking the page.

There is another aspect to this trip that could prove to be even more satisfying. I’m a thyroid cancer survivor and the major organization that deals with and promotes awareness and research about anything and everything thyroid and thyroid cancer related known as THYCA, is now working with me on a potential awareness effort that I will headline and bring into focus as part of my baseball travels. I will post more if and when all of those things come to pass.

Now for the big news, the schedule.

April 29, Rays at Rangers, I’m part of a group of 10.
April 30, Mets at Astros, I’m part of a group of 8 including my friend Heather who will attend both Texas games with me.
May 1, Phillies at Braves, joined by my former high school English teacher and her entire family, six in all counting me.
May 2, going solo for Pirates at Cardinals
May 3, going solo for Yankees at Royals
May 4, going solo for Athletics at Rays
May 5, just me again for Diamondbacks at Mets.
May 6, just me, Phillies at Nationals (ticket purchase this Thursday March 8).
May 7, Rangers at Orioles, joined by my wife’s cousin Jane and her husband.
May 8, just me for the Mets at Phillies.
May 9, joining my friend Loriann for Rays at Yankees (ticket purchase coming TBA).
May 10, Indians at Red Sox joined by my friend Lubna and either her husband or a friend.
May 11, just me for Blue Jays at Twins.
May 12, Giants at Diamondbacks, joined by my friend Mary Kate and her husband.
May 13, just me for Tigers at Athletics.
May 14, just me for Rockies at Giants.
May 15, just me for Diamondbacks at Dodgers.
My friend Liz will then join me for a pair of games.
May 16, Dodgers at Padres with Liz.
May 17, White Sox at Angels with Liz.
I’ll then fly red-eye to Toronto.
May 18, join my friend Brenda for Mets at Blue Jays, meeting other friends earlier that day for lunch after I’ve had some rest.
May 19, just me for the Pirates at Tigers.
May 20, will join ballpark Chaser member Megg for the Mariners and Rockies at Colorado.
May 21, I head to Seattle to see the Rangers at the Mariners, may join my friend Mindy for dinner prior to the game, but will go solo for the game itself (purchase ticket March 10)..
I then go solo for three straight games.
May 22, Giants at Brewers.
May 23, Tigers at Indians.
May 24, Braves at Reds.
May 25, I will meet Mike and Beth for the Cubs at Pirates.
Then solo the rest of the way.
May 26, Giants at Marlins.
May 27, Indians at White Sox.
May 28, Padres at Cubs (ticket purchase is March 9).

One observation, while view is not important for me, I want to be closer to the plate so I can hear the ball off the bat, even if that means being high up. I prefer being third or fourth level on the infield as opposed to field level 340 feet from home plate. But the information on the team ticketing pages is not very helpful in many cases at telling me where I am located. I found a site that lists seating charts for all ballparks other than the new one in Miami, telling you which sections are in various parts of the park. That site was a huge, huge help for me and I wish I could find a way to contact its creator. Some ballparks I discovered number from right field around the infield and then out to left with the lowest number sections in the right field corner and the highest in the left field corner. Other parks reverse this process, though they are in the minority. A couple like Dodger Stadium and Pepco do the more reasonable approach like a street block, the lowest numbers are near home plate, the higher the numbers go, the further away, with odds going down one side and evens down the other. If memory serves, the odd sections are on the first base side at Los Angeles and the evens on the third base side, the opposite holds for Pepco. So in those parks, section 201 or 300 is behind the plate, in most other parks that is out in the bleachers, behind the outfield wall, or in the corner near the left or right field foul pole.

While I am away, I may not get things posted easily, but I will share links to a ton of video and photos once I’m back. The Facebook page will also be a host to many YouTube links I will put up and while I have never used Flickr, I may do that as well for photos. Any thoughts you guys can share are much appreciated.

The best way to contact me is through the FB page or email me at

If anyone wants to join me for the games I still need tickets for, particularly the nationals may 6, mariners May 21, or Cubs May 28, let me know as well. I’m sending tickets via certified mail to friends who are meeting me and they are paying me for their tickets closer to game day.

I look forward to all your feedback and questions.


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Comment by Craig (17) on May 11, 2012 at 12:29pm

Check out Reggie's interview on Fox, St. Louis.

Comment by Regina Ley on April 28, 2012 at 5:38am

Reggie -  let me know where your seat is and I'll try to get one near you - if not we can definately meet up before the game at McFaddens - there is nothing else near to Citifield unfortunately as far as bars or restaurants - it's all "chop shops".  Either way I look forward to meeting you !!


Comment by Reggie Deal on April 24, 2012 at 4:14am

Everything has come along very well and as they would say at NASA, all systems are go.  Regina, I don't know if you could get a ticket right near where I am at CitiField on may 5, but if you are at that game, maybe we could grab a bite before hand or after the game near the ballpark?  I'm staying that night at the Empire Hotel.  For those who are curious, I bid out all my hotel stays on Priceline which was a huge help to the budget, I could not do the same for airfares as I had very restricted travel windows I had to work with, but in most cases fares were reasonable.  Monitor the Facebook page for updates as I can post quick notes to that using my cel phone if I am on the go and not in a location where I can get an internet hotspot.  Also, keep an eye on as an article about my adventure is due to be posted probably on Friday, two days prior to game #1 at Arlington on April 29.

Comment by Regina Ley on April 23, 2012 at 10:34am

I can join you May 5th for the Met/Dback game if you need someone - let me know


Comment by Bill Pritchard (29) on April 7, 2012 at 8:57am

reggie what is your price range for the yankee game on may 9th? i may be able to get out there.

Comment by Craig (17) on April 6, 2012 at 10:35pm

Hey Reggie- just checking in to see how everything is coming along. Have you lined up all your tickets now?

Comment by Kurt Smith on March 29, 2012 at 5:23am

This is most excellent Reggie...I can't promise anything but perhaps I could meet up with you in Philadelphia...send me a reminder!

Comment by Paula Vaughnn on March 16, 2012 at 4:21pm
Sounds like an awesome trip, Reggie. We are likely to be out of town May 12 so we will miss meeting up with you at the Diamondbacks game. I will "like" you on Facebook so I can follow your adventure. Happy Trails, Paula
Comment by Bill Pritchard (29) on March 6, 2012 at 9:31am

the nats are selling those phillies tickets early to residents of maryland, virginia and dc. if you can find someone who lives there they can buy them early for you. they want to stop having pro phillies crowds for those games and you have to show id that proves you live in state. if you find someone to buy them i'm sure they can transfer them over or send them to you


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