Hello fellow Ballpark Chasers,


I believe this is my first blog post and well I'm looking for a little bit of help. As fellow ballpark chasers I know that everyone here can relate to me in wanting to take home a souvenir from each ballgame that they attend such as a souvenir cup, t-shirt, baseball, etc. I normally take home all three of the aforementioned items but what I always take home with me is a game program.


First off I'm looking for a program from the Kansas City Royals game that I attended back in late July of 2000 against the Tampa Bay Devil Rays as they were known then. I do not remember much from the game but do remember when it was as I keep my ticket stubs. If anyone can help me with this or put me in contact with someone that would be greatly appreciated!


I'm currently trying to replace one program from back in 2001 whenever I attended my first ever Texas Rangers game. For some reason I didn't purchase a program from the Oakland A's game whenever we went on June 30th but I did purchase one when I went on July 2 for the Mariners game  (which is now torn and missing pages so need to replace that one as well). Back then the Rangers did their programs by series so this is two completely different programs that I am looking for.  I was only ten years old when I went so maybe that is why I neglected to buy one (just preoccupied with being an awesome park!) Here is what I need:


June 30-July 1, 2001 Oakland A's @ Texas Rangers Game Program

July 2-July 5, 2001 Seattle Mariners @ Texas Rangers Game Program


Please if anyone can help that would be GREAT! These are the only three programs that I need to collect and I have been looking non stop for these for over a year. If anybody can put me in contact with a memorabilia store or if you just happen to have one of these PLEASE post on here. They've got to be out there somewhere! Thanks so much and enjoy the rest of the summer and your chasing.


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Comment by Greg on June 26, 2011 at 2:26pm
I've bought previous programs off eBay but when you're looking for very specific ones it can take a long time. Royals programs are not as popular on there so if I can ever find one of those then I'll be really happy.
Comment by Craig (17) on June 25, 2011 at 11:34pm
That is great news, Greg! eBay is your best bet for this stuff.
Comment by Greg on June 25, 2011 at 11:00pm

Is this awesome or what?


I forgot that I had e-mailed a guy the other day that posted a seperate 2001 Rangers program on eBay and well wouldn't you know it when I got home from work he told me that he HAS BOTH programs that I am inquiring for from the Rangers games in 2001!


All I need now is to find that 2000 KC Royals program!

Comment by Chuck Booth (35) ALL 30/23 DAYS! on June 25, 2011 at 10:16pm

Hi greg,


You should try contacting the clubs directly.  Sometimes, I am sure they have an archived sections in a team library for these programs.  At the very least they will be able to tell you a route on obtaining these prgorams.


Texas Rangers

1000 Ballpark Way
Arlington, Texas 76011


You can decide on what person to direct your inquiry to in the front office at



Good Luck..




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