Group Name for Baseball Journey

Friends and i are going on our 5th 1 week - 5 ballpark journey this year.

going to design some t-shirts but we need a group name of some sorts... any thoughts?

Ballpark Chasers is just too perfect and it is just hard to come up with anything that differently captures what we are doing here....

we have some time so just wanted to throw it out there for any other thoughts....


aug 17-24 , colorado, minnesota, kansas city, st. louis, pittsburgh...




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Comment by Dave Block on June 19, 2011 at 5:12pm


Your baseball journey looks amazing! I myself am on my own baseball journey as I combine my love of sports with living a grateful life. If your interested, I would love an opportunity to join your group at one of your stops. Please let me know.




p.s. The perfect name for your group will reveal itself!


Comment by Craig (17) on June 15, 2011 at 7:29pm
Geez, that is a tough one. Yeah, I can't let you use Ballpark Chasers but what about "5 ballparks in 8 days" or "5 ballparks in a week"?
Comment by Doug on June 14, 2011 at 6:18am

for this trip - we fly to denver... then we fly from denver then minneapolis... then we rent an RV in minneapolis and drive the rest of the way to pittsburgh.

that is exactly why we want to do the shirts... it is fun enough talking to people at all the ballparks who love our stories. 

Comment by Chuck Booth (35) ALL 30/23 DAYS! on June 13, 2011 at 6:46pm
Are you guys renting a car or does someone use theirs?  Where are you starting the trip(Airport wise?)
Comment by Chuck Booth (35) ALL 30/23 DAYS! on June 13, 2011 at 6:43pm
You gotta go with- (The '5-5' Crew or 5-5 Drive.). People will all ask what the shirts are about and you can tell them about your travels.


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