Handheld Ballparks: The Electronic Baseball Game Experience

If you are anything like me and of a certain age, you probably owned or played several of the various handheld electronic baseball games that were sold in the late 1970s and throughout the 1990s.  There was always something terribly appealing about holding a ballpark in your hands - imaging that the red flashing lights were actual ballplayers and that you were about to come to the plate with the game on the line.


Some 15 years ago, I happened to reacquire the baseball games I had as a kid made by Entex, Mattel and Coleco (pictured here).  It was then I first realized how many different companies issued battery-powered electronic baseball games and, I guess I was hooked and wanted them all.  I especially love the stylistic representation of the ballpark and playing surface, along with the (often humorous) art that adorns the colorful boxes.

At this point, I have collected over 50 different such games and figured that some others might have a passing interest in breadth and variety of the games sold.  With this in mind, I have put together a blog with photos and information about the games in my collection and have included information about some of those last few games that have eluded me to date.  

I hope you'll visit ElectronicBaseball.blogspot.com and let me know what you think!

Anyone else have memories of playing these games or have any in your baseball memorabilia collections? 


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