Hitting All 30 - A Lifelong Journey!

I began my quest to see a game in all MLB ballparks at an easrly age, going with the Cub Scouts to Municipal Stadium in Cleveland at Age 8. Next ballpark was Yankee Stadium in 1961 with my grandfather-bore witness to one of the greatest teams in baseball history. I lived near MLB franchises in DC (grew up with the Senators), Baltimore and Philly. Family came along and my son, friends and myself would see games in 2 to 3 stadiums in different cities that made geograhic sense while doing it as economically as possible. As of 2000, I had been to all of the stadiums in each MLB city to see a game. This represented a nearly 50 year span.


Then game the wave of new ball parks. I now need to see games in Milw, SD, Hous, StL and Minn.


So while it did not happen overnight, I have been to a total of 37 current and retired MLB stadiums.


While being at the stadiums was the focal point of all the trips, it was great to see all the cities with their distinct characteristics.


To those who have itineraries packed with ballparks, I would say have a blast and take lots of pictures and notes-otherwise-they'll be a blur!


And may Wrigley and Fenway never be replaced!

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Comment by Steve Behm (30 current/8 ret'd) on May 21, 2011 at 12:58pm
Congrats on completing the journey. I enjoyed your story. Good luck with catching the rest of the new staidiums.


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