So the wife and I planned a trip to Disneyland with some friends and their kids for this coming August. Over the past week or so I have been looking into driving to LA, even if just by myself. As it turns out, I will be going solo. That worries me not. If you're gonna be driving and you're gonna be in town when there are games being played, seems silly not to take in said games, yeah? I FULLY AGREE! So here is what I am looking at:

August 17th:
Depart Lacey, WA @ 4am (no later than) for Oakland, CA - 755 miles
-A's vs Blue Jays @ 7:05pm (a FREE parking Tuesday game)
August 18th: A's vs Blue Jays game @ 12:35pm ($2 ticket & $1 hot dog game)
-After the game drive over to Salida to visit friends - 70 miles
August 19th: Still in Salida with friends
August 20th: Depart Salida for Los Angeles - 321 miles
-Dodgers vs Reds @ 7:10pm
August 21st: My wife and friend arrive for a week at Disneyland/Hollywood/Los Angeles
August 24th: Angels vs Rays @ 7:05pm (Angels fleece blanket night)

After that I am not sure. We might leave from LA on the morning of the 28th and drive over to Las Vegas for 2-3 nights. If we do, things get pushed back. If not I will either catch the August 28th Giants vs D'Backs game @ 6:10pm (Joe DiMaggio SF Seals Bobblehead night) or the August 29th Giants vs D'Backs game @ 1:05pm.

With a few things left to nail down for sure, that's what I am looking at. I am fairly certain that I won't have to buy the A's tickets until I get to town, cant imagine its gonna be that crowded, especially mid-week vs the Blue Jays. The Angels and Dodgers tix I will get as they go onsale and then I will pick up the Giants tickets as soon as I know what's going on for sure with that portion of the trip. :)

WOOHOO Baseball!!

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Comment by Ken Lee (30/43) on March 2, 2010 at 9:18am
So I was looking at schedules and I am thinking that I just might add San Diego to the mix. If we don't end up going to Las Vegas then I am going to add a game at Petco Park @1:10pm on Saturday and then catch the Angels night game back in LA. Then Sunday I will catch the Giants game and be home late Monday :)
Comment by Ken Lee (30/43) on February 25, 2010 at 5:33pm
@Craig - I do taxes for a living. So I begin getting busy in September when I start teaching tax class to start training the new people. Then when training picks up in December, I am busy straight through about April 17th. From then until September, I usually only work 1-2 days a week and by appointment. So that allows me my summers pretty much free. As for the trip with Chuck, not really sure. He let me know that he may have to change dates, make it a smaller trip as well and for the $$, plus the time (it would have us on the road on 7/4 and my wife would shoot me if I asked for that day cause its a day we go spend with her family every year), it wont work for me. So unless we do the original schedule, I will be unable to sadly. There is still an outside shot he said, just got to wait until mid to late March to see for sure as the Olympics up there have effected his job. Hopefully though...

@Doug - It's a 420 mile drive from SNA to AT&T. With minimal stops, that's about 6 1/2 hours, give or take a few minutes. My wife and friends have not booked their flights yet, so I am not sure yet when I will have to have Yvonne to the airport that day. If it's early enough, I am going to hit the road and make that game, if not, I am going to take my time getting to San Fran, catch the game the next afternoon, then head out right after the game headed home. If the game gets out at 4pm, I should be home by 5am the next morning. :)
Comment by Doug Miller (30) on February 25, 2010 at 4:32pm
Sounds like a fun trip! I'm just confused by why you wouldn't just do both the 28th and 29th games! Although, Vegas is always fun too. And, there's always the 51's, that just happen to be in town that weekend.

Funny thing about tickets, is I'm thinking about not pre-buying any tickets for road games this year. Every year, I get all my tickets lined up ahead of time. But, with the way the economy has been I think that unless I was going to Boston, I'll have a pretty good pick of what I want when I get there. I haven't decided yet.
Comment by Craig (17) on February 25, 2010 at 3:05pm
Wow, sounds like a great trip Ken! How did you score so much time off of work? :)

Are you still looking to do a trip with Chuck as well?


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