MMike Lansing Field in Casper, Wyoming, is my final visit for my work series, "Ballparks of the Midwest."  Certainly, it's not the Midwest, but, it wasn't too far out of the way on my way back from Utah, and I managed to catch an official game before it rained. Not a great ballpark, but I certainly had some fun with the glow in the dark hats. Check out my full report here.

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Comment by Matt Nelson (35) on August 24, 2011 at 2:26pm

Craig, I certainly hadn't seen that one before. Now, that is customer service! The marching band...I'm less sold on that.


I was recently at All Pro Freight Stadium in Avon, Ohio, home of the Indy League Lake Erie Crushers. I'm generally not a fan of sponsorships, but it's a necessary evil, I get it. I'm sure there are other places that do it, but that was the first time in 80 ballparks I've seen games at where the grass berm seating area is sponsored by a lawn care company. That makes sense!

Comment by Craig (17) on August 23, 2011 at 10:52pm
"Where the will-call window isn't a window"...classic!


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