I can only afford to make one baseball trip this season, and I am torn between going to Seattle on my birthday, to see my favorite team, the Mets play two games at Safeco, or see the Cubs play the Cardinals at Wrigley, and the Mets play the Brewers at Miller Park.

I've never been to either city before, and both trips will cost about the same.
The way I see it, is if I go to Seattle, I will be able to see my favorite team play on my birthday, in a city that they might not play in for 3-5 years, and I'm really interested in exploring the city. However Safeco would be the only ballpark I would visit this season.

If I go to Chicago, I get to see a rivalry matchup on Ernie Banks replica statue day, and I get to see Wrigley before the renovations take place after next season. I've dreamed of going to Chicago for the last couple years, but just couldn't make it happen. I also get to see the Mets in Milwaukee.

If I don't go to Seattle, I won't consider going there until the Mets play at Safeco again. I have no interest in seeing Wrigley after the renovations, and Mets won't be playing at US Cellular for a while, so if I don't go this season, I won't be in Chicago for a long time.

I'm having so much trouble deciding. I've lost sleep the last couple nights trying to decide, and need to decide soon, since flights are starting to fill.

Thanks for reading. I would appreciate any feedback/advice/input.

Views: 159


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Comment by Sean Mahoney on May 30, 2014 at 12:46pm

Thanks for the tips Julie! The sandwich idea is good idea. I might do that if time permits, since I like to go in the ballpark as soon as the gates open.

I also posted a thread on the Trip Advisor forum (which is a great tool for Ballpark Chasers BTW...) regarding the taxi situation and a few people told me that there's always cabs lined up outside the ballpark, so I won't have a problem getting a cab after the game. Since I'll be taking a cab from the downtown Amtrak station to Miller Park, I'll ask the driver for his number, and I could always call him, if I can't get a cab.

Comment by Julie Esler on May 29, 2014 at 8:08pm
Good decision, I was going to say Wrigley & MIL also! A good idea is to take a cab to the ballpark and get the cab's # and then ask him to also pick you up and he can tell you the best place to meet him after the game. I think that's what we did. You should somehow try to tailgate there bc their tailgating is the thing to do there. It's packed! Maybe you can bring a backpack and some sandwiches and make some friends in the parking lot. My friend and I didn't discover the great tailgating until after we ate lunch at the bar across the street and it was almost game time.
Comment by Sean Mahoney on March 28, 2014 at 10:56am

Thanks Regina. I already booked the flight, and bought my game tickets.

I also wanted to ask if anyone knows know how easy it will be to grab a taxi at Miller Park after the game? According to the Brewers site, there's cabs near Helfaer Field, but I'm just wondering if they're always there after the game? Should I ask someone at guest relations to call one for me, just to be safe?

Comment by Regina (12) on March 27, 2014 at 1:21pm

Sounds like you made your decision already but yup, I was going to say Chicago, absolutely! Have fun :)

Comment by Sean Mahoney on March 6, 2014 at 1:57pm

Thanks for all the feedback guys. My mind is made up, and I will be going to Chicago, and Milwaukee.

Comment by Eric Kabakoff (35) on March 6, 2014 at 1:48pm

I vote the same as Lisa and Michelle! Get to Wrigley before the renovations and Miller Park is nice, getting you 2 parks in one trip. Now *I* want to go to Wrigley and to Milwaukee :-)

Comment by Lisa (21) on March 6, 2014 at 1:11pm

I vote to see Wrigley and Miller!  You'll be knocking 2 ballparks off your list, versus only one.  And either way you'll be seeing your team.  :) 

Comment by Michelle McJunkin on March 6, 2014 at 12:03pm

Chicago/Milwaukee all the way! I live in MA, but grew up in OR, rooting for the Mariners. I've been to Safeco, Miller and Wrigley, so I'm not completely biased in one direction. However, Wrigley was an experience that any baseball fan should definitely have, Safeco is not SO different from other parks. And the folks in Milwaukee were great! My friend and I met some awesome people and ended up going back the following summer for tailgating and a game with them.  Just my opinion, but I believe that's what you were asking for!


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