came through big time for me in Cleveland!!

So I went to Cleveland to see the Yankees/Indians game and went on hoping to get something pleasent enough to not want to run out at 3am kind of hotel.

I bid $40.00 expecting to get a days inn or something like that...imagine my suprise when the Hyatt Cleveland Arcade, one of the highest priced Cleveland hotels on the Progressive Field Chasers Guide popped up. The normal night in that hotel is 229.99!!

So anyone planning on Cleveland, take a chance on priceline for it!

Views: 76


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Comment by Paul Sanders (15) on August 11, 2009 at 5:25pm
yeah, you dont know what exact hotel your getting, but you do get to choose the "class" - for example 3 stars, 3 1/2 stars, 4 stars.....I never bid below a 3 1/2 star because most of the time those hotels always have room and the hotels aren't dumb, they would rather have a full hotel at some rate, then an empty hotel with no revenue coming in.
Comment by Craig (17) on June 26, 2009 at 12:52am
Geez, those deals sound incredible! Isn't it true that you can't see what hotel you are booking and there are no refunds if you didn't want to stay there? I have never tried to use them because of this...
Comment by Ken Lee (30/43) on June 23, 2009 at 7:38am
In a post above I mentioned getting the Wardman Marriott Park in DC for $60/night. That hotel was simply AMAZING! Problem is, when we walked in, we felt outta place cause it was sooooo fancy. I always travel in shorts and a tshirt when I fly, and that's what I walked in there wearing. Oh well, they still treated me great! :) We found out the next morning that this was the hotel where GW Bush had his main Inaugural Ball back in 2001 as well.
Comment by Mike Z (12) on June 22, 2009 at 5:47pm
Got to love Priceline. I just used it to book my hotel for St. Louis this weekend and will be sure to use it for my road trip in August.
Comment by Ken Lee (30/43) on June 7, 2009 at 8:33am
P.S... I just checked the Chasers guide for Fenway Park and the hotel we are staying at for $75/night, the Sheraton, is listed under "Unlimited Budget". :) The last time I was in Boston (May 2005) we booked via Hotwire, stayed north of town in Woburn (rode the train in daily) and we played darn near $100/night. Of course I will have to pay for parking at the downtown hotel, but for 1 night, I'm game with that (it also means I wont have to pay to park anywhere else in town, so its a wash, if not in my favor), especially that close to everything....
Comment by Ken Lee (30/43) on June 7, 2009 at 8:21am
Comment by Paul Sanders (15) on June 7, 2009 at 6:18am you have a link to that article?
I am planning two other trips this summer..... Florida/Tampa Bay and Milwaukee/Chicago/Detroit

I was going to throw Cincy in there, but I am gonna save that for 2010 when the Mets are in town and go with my brother.
Comment by Ken Lee (30/43) on June 7, 2009 at 2:40am
Priceline is the ONLY way I book hotels for my trips now... I have done so great with it, especially if you have read the article "How To Beat Priceline". I got an amazing place in Minneapolis last year, that was about a 5 minute walk from the Metrodome, for $50/night, it was normally $299 a night on their web site. In Boston on the 18th of this month we will stay at the Sheraton on Dalton which is less than 8/10th of a mile from Fenway, for $75, normally $200/night... not as great, but that close for that price, holy cow. Our first night in Washington DC on this trip we pulled for $60 for the night the Marriott Wardman Park and a look at their web site a couple days ago told me those rooms were going for $299-$339/night... of course its about 6 miles to the ballpark, but that still rocks (and we wont be going to the game that night anyway).

Anyway, yes, gotta love Priceline, I certainly do... especially after reading that article on how to beat Priceline. Like I tell all my friends, "Read it, learn it, love it" I figure the bottom line is that my average is $100/night when I am on the road, doing it this way I generally stay for less than that or if I pay that, I am at a much nicer place... which is always cool :)


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