Good Evening Friends and Fellow Chasers,

After visiting all current MLB parks and over 120 minor league parks my son and I have come to realization that over 80% of those games have been seen without having our favorite teams present. Over the next couple years I'm going to go back and visit some of our sites and see the stadiums with our teams (Rays is John's and Phillies is Kaelen's) and their affiliations. Does anybody feel the same way, or starting over because it's been done again?

Love to hear your thoughts
Thequesterstoo (John and Kaelen)

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Comment by Bill Pritchard (29) on May 1, 2013 at 11:16am

I like seeing the Red Sox on the road, but I don't necessarily plan for it; I just travel when my schedule permits. I've seen them in six cities (Boston, New York (AL), Baltimore, Tampa, Philly, Chicago (NL)) and it will be seven after this season (Colorado). I would like to see them more on the road but I can't make all of my trips like that, esp since more teams have dynamic pricing and raise the prices when they are in town.

Comment by Jacqui Snyder on April 25, 2013 at 6:41pm

I would like to see my Tigers at all the stadiums, but my husband's team is the A's, so it wouldn't exactly be fair to pick one or the other. Plus, I like being more excited for the park than the game. If my team is there, I find myself more giddy about that. It is also nice to be able to learn more about the local team and find some new favorite players. I like to cheer for the home team, unless they are "enemies" a.k.a. White Sox, Rangers, or Yankees! We were at a Brewers game where the pitcher hit a grand slam. It would have been hard to cheer as hard if that had happened against my Tigers. But, if we were done with our 30... I'd be looking for a reason to do it again. (I have to go learn about this Alaska game now, how cool!)

Comment by Bob D (MLB 30/48 total 442) on April 18, 2013 at 4:48pm

Thequesters Too
I think there are some people more in the see their team category. I am in the want to see everything category even if my team is not there. I went to Alaska a couple of years ago because I wanted to see the midnight sun game and it was part of closing in on seeing a baseball game in all 50 states. While I was there I mapped it out so I saw a home game of all 6 teams in all 4 parks that season. No home teams there, but the whole trip was cool. I would like to go back, but even if I do it is going to be a while.
Rickwood classic is also on my list, but when I do that it is going to be part of a road trip with other games. so far I havn't been able to work that into a trip.

Comment by George Walsh on April 18, 2013 at 3:55pm

Wow that is a lofty goal! my family and i have seen 13 stadiums, 4 spring training and louisville slugger museum. After we are done with the 30 I think I'll be done. There are other goals out there for me,not necessarily including baseball. Such as, all 50 states, Visiting Europe and Japan.I would love to see a baseball game in Japan,that would be awesome. There are 2 parks that I only went to the tour because there were no games in town that day. Coors and Petco. Maybe ill make it a goal to see games in those stadiums after im done? who knows? oh well,good luck in your travels

Comment by Thequesters Too on April 18, 2013 at 11:51am

All of this brings up a point for uniqueness and to add to the, "been there done that" type of thing. Games that are significant in baseball the Rickwood classic, the Midnight Sun game in Alaska would you break your ideology of only seeing your team or affiliation to see a unique game?

Comment by Mark (53) on April 12, 2013 at 3:21pm

I've always wanted to see all of the Pirates minor league stadiums, but they kept changing teams before I could get there. I still try to go to stadiums that were once played in by their past affiliates when I can. I still have many minor league stadiums I want to see before I try to see the Pirates in every stadium, but hope to do that some day as well. Good luck with your chase.

Comment by Catie on April 9, 2013 at 1:20pm

I'm working on the same thing but for a different team - I've seen the Detroit Tigers play at all 20 stadiums I've visited so far. My summer vacation plans revolve around the Tigers away game schedule, especially when they are playing National League teams!

Comment by Cam Cain (29) on April 8, 2013 at 2:15pm

I would add a new category, and then try to achieve seeing your team at al 30 stadiums.
Out of the 10 I've been to, I've seen my Reds at 4 (5 after this season)

Comment by Bob D (MLB 30/48 total 442) on April 7, 2013 at 5:44pm

To me I would not "reset to 0'. I count as many categories I like to count. Ballparks seen MLB games (48), current 30, MLB parks with baseball games other than major league games 6/ 4active, Mets 20/10 active, milb 180, independent league 28, college 70, college summer ball 26, spring training 5, states 50 ,etc.  

Also since the strike of 1994, seeing the Mets in other parks has dropped behind a lot of things. seeing my college team, getting to all 50 states etc.

As an example, my college baseball team plays a league series against a team in Baltimore generally Saturday/Sunday. Every year ,when I first see the schedule I look to see if they are playing in Baltimore (or only home) and If so can I see a Nationals game the Friday night before that series regardless of opponent.

Comment by Claire Hussey on April 6, 2013 at 4:25pm

I hear what Brendan is saying. It wouldn't be a stadium visit for me if my Red Sox weren't playing. If I got a chance to see two other teams plan in a never visited stadium then I would have to go back later when the Red Sox played there for it to "count".


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