After a few visits to Birmingham and touring Rickwood Field my son and I finally had the opportunity to see the Rickwood Classic. The game itself was uninspired but the stadium exudes history. From the stands to outfield signs. You feel that you could possibly be transported back to when baseball meant what was great about America. I know the outfield signs were installed for films and commercials but it adds aura to the place. 

For those that haven't been my son and I have made a video of our experience. Hope you enjoy.

John and Kaelen

BTW: If you are ever in Birmingham take the tour of the Golden Flake potato chip factory. It's free and you get loads of free bags when you leave.

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Comment by Thequesters Too on July 19, 2012 at 9:46pm

There's a few ballparks I wished I visited when the team was playing there. Tiger Stadium for one but there are a few others. Unfortunately I can't time travel.

Comment by Mark (53) on July 16, 2012 at 8:22am

I agree, if you are a fan of baseball history, you have to go to the Rickwood Classic.  It took me back to my youth and the visits to Forbes Field with my dad.


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