I'm brand new to the site and it is awesome to have people as baseball sick as myself to chat with. This will be year 4 of th tour for me. Me and a couple buddies (this year just two of us) have been doing 3 ballparks in 3 days. Little change up this year. We are doing Yankee stadium on Thursday June 18, then nationals park fri the 19ty and Saturday the 20th. I can't wait. We live in upstate ny and are making the drive this year. Anyone who has any suggestions on where to eat or drink in Washington would be awesome. So far we have been to both chicago's , Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, philly, citi field, Baltimore, and Fenway. We typically try and find travel channel recommendations, or man vs food sites to try on our trips, so we have been to some awesome places, but would love some recommendations for D.C.

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