In honor of opening day, list how many stadiums you've been to, how many you're going to, how many are new, and how many defunct stadiums you've been to.

Been to: 15 stadiums

Going to this year: 19 stadiums (12 new)

Defunct: 9 stadiums

Yes, I'm going big chasing this year. 

Views: 185


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Comment by Craig (17) on April 30, 2014 at 2:30pm

Been to: 14 active ballparks

Going to this year: embarrassed to say only 2 and both I have already visited. :(

Defunct: 4 ballparks

Comment by Dave (20+5) on April 8, 2014 at 7:07pm

Total: 48

MLB: 15

Defunct MLB: 5

MiLB: 7

Cactus: 7

Grapefruit: 4 (1 defunct - Chain of Lakes)

College: 6

College Summer League: 4

This summer, I have 3 MLB (2 repeats, 1 new), 7 MiLB (3 repeats, 4 new to finish my first entire state: Ohio), and 3 college (1 repeat, 2 new) tentatively planned. This is on top of the 4 spring training (3 new) and 1 college (new) that I picked up last month on by biennial trip to AZ.

Comment by Bob D (MLB 30/48 total 442) on April 2, 2014 at 9:28pm

I have seen baseball in 345 ballparks

I have seen

MLB in 48 ballparks / 30 current ballparks

MILB in 185 ballparks

Independeant ball in 27 ballparks

College baseball in 84 ballparks

College summer league ball in 27 ballparks

and Spring training in 5 ballparks

Obviously some parks of the 345 I have seen more than 1 type of ball.


I am hoping to get to some new college, minors and summer ball parks. Don't have an exact number planned, but around 20 new this year hopefully. The new minors to me that I will be going to are mostly south. Hoping to hit some new college parks in the northeast in the next few weeks if the weather finally gets better, Summer ball I have 1 left in the cape cod league that I hope to get to this year and hopefully a couple in the NECBL and a couple in the coastal plains league.

Comment by Sox Guy on April 1, 2014 at 4:45pm

Been to :  12 Stadiums

Going to this year:  9 stadiums (5 new)

Defunct:  2 stadiums

Comment by Kris (30/32) on April 1, 2014 at 10:47am

Been to:  13 stadiums

Going to this year:  7 stadiums (6 new)

Defunct:  2 stadiums

7 game road trip planned so far, with the likely hood of hitting a few more on the east coast.

Comment by Mark (53) on March 31, 2014 at 7:00pm

Been to: 51 (MLB), 77 (MiLB), 6 (Ind.), 4 (college)

Going to: tentatively 8-12 new minor league stadiums

Defunct stadiums: 21 (MLB), 7 (MiLB)


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