I am irritated with MLB Network and their scheduling. Last night just before midnight PST, I noticed that at midnight they had scheduled an "All-Time Game" that was the May 2, 2002 Mariners vs White Sox game from Comiskey. This was, of course, the game where Mike Cameron hit 4 HR's, and Cammy and Boone went back-to-back TWICE in a single inning, the first, and are still the only 2 team mates to do that. Needless to say being a Mariners fan I wanted to see this game. Besides that, I was *at* that game! Was my first game on the South Side and what a game it was! I was so excited to finally get to see this game on TV, yet come midnight, the Tivo was set, and NOPE! They were showing World Series highlights from 1971. This is nothing new really, they do this A LOT and I dont get what the deal is... just felt like Venting!

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I have noticed that as well and it is quite annoying. Where are you seeing MLB Network's schedule? I am looking through my cable providers tv listings and it is always off. Have you tried looking online at MLB network's schedule?
Both actually, between what they supply DirectTV and whats there on MLBnetwork.com. Its been very annoying, but last night just ticked me off... of all games!
Whose signature is that on the ticket?
Mike Cameron, its the stub from the night of his 4 HR game.



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