My son and I just started last year when he graduated from college and since we now live in different parts of the country, we hope to do 1-2 parks a year. We want to keep a type of scrapbook or binder with the tickets, program, newspaper article, box score, photos etc from each game and park. Any ideas on how to organize this or other things we should consider doing or getting from the park, without it becoming a chore or exorbitantly expensive? Would appreciate any ideas and suggestions.

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For every ballpark I go to, it is a must that I get these 5 things:
1.) Ticket Stub
2.) Soda Souvenir Cup
3.) Program
4.) Stadium T-Shirt- if available
5.) I take a bunch of pics of the ballpark before the game starts

To store my ticket stubs, I bought a couple of ticket organizer books from hold like 100 tickets each and they have all of the MLB teams to choose from on the covers.
Here's an idea. Get a map of North America and get it framed on posterboard (should be less than $80 depending on size of map). For each game you and your son go to, get a lapel pin ($5 or $6) of the stadium/team. Put the pin in the map on the city you visited a ballpark.

Here's what I do/get: a pocket schedule, my scorecard (homemade), ticket stub, hard copy photos, some newspaper articles.

I get a three ring binder photo album. For the non-photo items, I insert them in those non-glare sheet protectors (Office Max or Depot) and then add the sheet protector to the three ring binder photo album.

Your map is the greatest thing I've ever seen! I've always wanted to do a corkboard map, but I was just going to use regular old push pins. The lapel pins idea is genius!

There are four of us in our group and we normally take 2 trips per year. We started in 1996 and finished 31 in 2008. (Fortunately there are 17 new stadiums built since '96 that we have to visit) One thing that I found from a couple of our trips was a journal of what we did on the trip with notes about anything interesting about the game/fans/teams. Taking this out and reading some of the pages takes me back and makes me wish we had written more down at the time. Things like the 3rd base coach for the Red Socks would run as fast as he could from the firstbase dugout to his spot EVERY inning. A hardback ledger has numbered pages and travels easily. Enjoy the time together.
I was looking for this blog but couldn't find it initially - Craig to the rescue!!!

I just put up pictures of the framed collages we keep from each stadium we visit.

One frame has the tickets and we add 4-6 pictures of the stadium and such.

The frames are relatively inexpensive (most recently 4.99 a piece at Bed, Bath and Beyond) - the only drawback is with 30+ frames to display it is easy to run out of wall space.

Just an approach to consider.
I get a souvenir baseball from each park I visit. Most stadiums sell a stadium photoball for $10 so I get those. I have them displayed in a baseball display case on my wall.
Great thread!

My collection is beer glasses from every MLB team. Most stadium stores have them in stock, and those that don't can be found online somewhere. I've got them from the Hall of Fame and All-Star Game too. They sit on top of the credenza on my desk. Best of all, I could drink a cold one from them (but haven't yet.) Thanks to my buddy Grant for the idea.

I also take a standard set of pictures at every stadium, then use the pics as my screensaver on my computer.

All my ticketstubs are intact too, but they just sit in my nightstand drawer - I'll come up with an interesting idea someday. Bummer that the online ticket printing options aren't quite as classy for a montage someday.

Enjoy chasing!

This thread should be much longer... haha... I'm glad I found it.

I plan to make an NL and an AL frame where I'm going to place my favorite picture from each game that I attend. I'll probably add the date to each one also.

The bad thing for me is that I haven't done the same thing at each park. I don't have a stub from each game, I don't have a home-plate pic or a pic of me at every game, so this is what I've come up with. I'm hoping to make it to Houston in September, so I'm putting them on the NL frame, as that's where they were when I saw them.

I love some of these other ideas, but it's too late for me...

I would love to find the time to put something together for my kids of all the parks we have been to. I originally thought I would get a logo baseball from each park but decided quickly after just 8 ballcubes that it would be too much to display if I ever got to all 30. A binder is a great idea and I could just use plastic page of different sizes I can get at the photo store.

Like most of you, I keep the stub or the printout (boo) for each of us for each game. I like to get at least one picture of us together with the field in the background and also some photos from my seat of the plate, scoreboard and showing as much of the park as possible. I try to get some exterior photos showing the marquee, entrance and any unique exterior features or statues. One of these days I'll find the time to have prints made!

For my ticket stubs, I place them in six-pocket sheets that you can get at baseball card stores or online. I place tickets in the bottom three slots and place the pocket schedule for that particular game above the ticket. These are then placed in a ring binder. For the "print at home" tickets, I place those in plastic sheet protectors. I also have albums full of stadium photos separated by league (majors, eastern league, pacific coast league, etc.) and I often take the box score or news story and put that in a photo page and place that with the stadium photos. Problem for me living in Arkansas, unless it is the Cardinals, the local paper doesn't put in box scores.

Besides the ticket stubs and pocket schedules, I also collect programs for each game and a cap for the home team. Related to Meg's suggestion for placing pins for each of the teams on a map next to the city, I have bought laminated maps at book stores (i.e., Barnes and Noble) and pin them onto cork bulletin boards that I get at Wal-mart. Not quite as nice as Meg's, but works nicely for displaying my sports pins.

Mark - I guarantee your maps and pins are equal to mine because they represent YOUR memories and that is what is important.

That's a pretty awesome idea Meg, but I bet that after 150+ parks your map has started to get juuuuust a bit cluttered at least a little I would think as some stadiums are in close proximity lol. I personally stick with baseballs but for minor league parks if I end up seeing a whole bunch it might not be feasible.



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