Hello Fellow Chasers,

I wanted to post some of the rubrics I made up this year for evaluating ballparks.  I'm a NYC Public School Teacher, and lately I've seen rubrics for everything.  So, I decided to come up with four categories of detailed rubrics to score ballparks on.  The categories are game feel, atmosphere, aesthetics, and food/ drink.  I'd be interested to hear any critique or suggestions for the rubrics.  I tried to be as comprehensive as possible.  Please let me know what you think!


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I like your rubric idea but evaluating ballparks is like rating your professors, it is based on subjective behaviors not objective data. What happens to one chaser doesn't necessarily happen to another, so on and so forth. What might be a better option, and create it open-source, is to manipulate a likert scale based assessment on the above and at the end of the season give your analysis. Hey, that might be a good publishable article in SABR.


I totally agree that it is completely subjective. Even when creating the rubrics I was keeping in mind my favorite ballparks and least favorite. I agree that a likert scale would be useful with multiple contributors creating questions. Actually, in the back of my mind I had the new rubric that is being used to evaluate teachers in NYC, which I constantly argue is subjective based on the evaluators experience. Thanks for the suggestion!



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