At the home opener of the new stadium of the Hops, a 15 year old caught the first home run ball hit in the new stadium for the new team. The team wanted the ball and offered him an autograph team ball. Eventually the Hops offered a ball, a bat, a hat and season ticket for the 15 yr old for the rest of the season. He said he wanted season tickets for his family as well as the other items and the Hops, at this point, walked away. The kid has a one of a kind memento that he caught on his birthday. Did he ask for too much? Would you have given the ball back to the team? As a collector, I have mix feelings. I like the thought of having a one of a kind collector item, but think I would want to share it with the team. I like the idea of maintaining ownership, but giving the ball to the team "on loan" so they could display it as seen fit. I wouldn't want anything in exchange for the ball. What do you think? Has anyone caught a historic ball? If so, did you negotiate with the team?

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Great topic, Mark! I haven't caught anything historic. Come to think of it, I haven't even caught a ball! My only experience was catching a warm-up home run ball hit by Sammy Sosa. To answer your question, I probably would have given in and gave it to the team. Seeing that its just a Minor League team and ballpark, there isn't much historical value to it. Now if this was a MLB team and ballpark and I caught something historical, it would be extremely hard to give back! But I probably still would cave in under pressure. :)

I believe the Hops are correct in not giving in to this kid or his family. A lasting memory would have been to have a picture taken with the ball and the player who hit in and then put into the Hops museum or whatever they'll do. That would have a lasting memory to the team and to this kid. As soon as the kid left the stadium the value of the ball diminished because the verification of it will always be suspect.

With that said the only thing my son and I have that would be sorta historic is going to the first year of Target Field and getting a ball from Carlos Pena of the Rays. What's significant about this ball is that is has the stamp of target field on it and it now has the signatures of David Price (pitcher that day) and Joe Maddon.

I would have bartered for a signed authentic team jersey, something that I could remember the team and season.
If the team folded or changed names the home run ball would become just another ball. Also, I would have a signed ticket stub and photo with the player.
I don't have anything historic, but I did catch a foul ball off the bat of Pete Rose at my first Red's game which he signed for me.



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