3 Weeks to Go! Looking for some Home BallPark Tips.

I can't believe there is only 3 weeks left until the trip! I am hoping everything goes well. Any tips on parking, tickets, etc for your home ballpaks would be great. The Guides on this site are awesome, I am just looking for the insiders scoop. There are some awesome giveaways during this trip that I am excited for like jerseys and bobble heads. Good stuff.

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Your trip sounds very exciting!  Are you driving to all of them? Or are you flying between some destinations? How many innings do you have to be at for it to count as a complete game?  I just wondered if you'd leave early or arrive late to some of those double headers?

Cincinnati Reds is my home town park.  I could tell you of a couple free parking places if you have time and want to walk a mile or so.  But I noticed that is also a double header game and you may want to park in the parking right next to the stadium so you can hop right back on the interstate.  I don't know if money is an issue or not but you can take any unopened bottled soft drink, water, Gatorade in the park as well as any unopened food.  We've taken bags of chips, peanuts, sunflower seeds, mcdonalds in before.  They don't care.  And there really isn't a bad seat in the stadium.  If you have anything specific you'd like to know about cincy, let me know!

Here is a link to Bill's itinerary for reference. Looking forward to following along! I hope to get out to Safeco to wish you luck. 


The GAB is a park I am looking forward to seeing. Any tips you have would be great. Yes, this is a driving trip. A father and his son and now daughter for the extra driver. The tip on unopened packages is great. Thanks!

You can park in Covington Kentucky at the holiday inn for free and walk the bridge across (appox 1 mile) or you can park downtown at the Horseshoe Casino, walk to valet parking catch the free van to the Cincinnatian or Hyatt hotel and walk a couple blocks to GAP.  Another tip: most ball parks have a DD program, that you can sign your name to a card stating you won't drink and drive at the game and they'll give you a free voucher for a soft drink.  At GAP its located at fan accommodations, on the 1st level, kind of behind home plate towards left field.  GAP also has $1 hot dogs, popcorn, and kids size soft drinks on the 4th level.  And if you are trying to save money on tickets the bleacher seats honestly aren't bad.  It's just hard to see the big screen unless you get into one of the first 4 rows of bleachers.  Hope you have safe travels and enjoy time with your kids! 

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