Has anyone been on the Safeco field tour? Was it worth the time and cost? We'll be in Seattle this weekend and at the game on Sunday against the Angels. I would love any must-see parts of the stadium and/or tips of things to do in the nearby area. We have a ten, nine and seven year old who like the outdoors. We're considering a kayak ride around the Puget Sound. Definitely want to go to Pikeplace Market.

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I did the tour and I definitely think it was worth it. They were actually retracting the roof while i was on my tour which was cool to see. They also brought us a lot of places including getting to see Babe Ruths contract

Thank you!

The Safeco tour was awesome. We were on the field during batting practice.

If you like wine, there are wineries and tours all over.

I don't know exact locations, but you could look for the Gum Wall and the Fremont Troll.

Thank you!



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