I heard the Cubs no longer offer actual tickets and now everything is digital?  Is this true?  If so, is there an actual way to get physical tickets?  An actual ticket is one of the best souveniers  you can get when visiting all the stadiums.  We are headed there in August.

Do other stadiums have electronic tickets only as well?

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They have box office tickets
You can go to the ticket window and request the actual MLB ticket. At least that is what I was able to do last year unless they have changed the policy.

Beware of Ticket Monster , bought tickets to Miller Park for 8/28/19 game and never received tickets. &$180.00 lost!! Went to game and ticket office could not locate either! Never again

Hi Mike. Did you contact their customer service? I have used them for years and never had any issues. They are also an advertiser of ours and never received any negative feedback from our members. 

Yes I did (several times) and was told not to worry that it could take up to 72hrs before game time for tickets to appear on my iPhone. I used PayPal to purchase tickets and have the receipt for the purchase. to mush of a hassle to ever try again. Moving forward in my 'ballpark chaser' quest I will go direct to the team ticket offices. I appreciate your concern. 

I’m sorry for your experience. Did they offer to refund?

I haven't reached out to them since getting back from Milwaukee, but I will. Had a great experience at Miller Park and highly recommend. 

Was able to get an actual ticket.  I was worried about a sell out, but no issues.  Just got back from an incredible trip... flew into Dallas and drove from Arlington to KC, STL, Field of Dreams movie house, Cubs, Sox, Milwaukee and Minneapolis... flew back home to Philly.  My daughter and I have now competed 22 parks!

I am a retired airline employee (American) so I'm flying to all parks a few at a time! Have 7 completed and looking forward to the quest!



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