curious what everyone's ball park trips look like this summer.
in july off to Rangers, Astros, Twins, Brewers and Cubs in that order. flying to dallas then getting an RV for the rest of the trip through chicago!
my first time in minnesota, my first time at miller park (went to county stadium), my third time at wrigley, my second time to minute maid, my third time to arlington (went to both the old and new in the past)

also, will be going to new Yankee Stadium for the first time June 6 and will hopefully get to CITI field also for a mets game!

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Sounds like a great summer for you Doug. Have fun! No plans for me yet, the economy might keep me at home this summer unfortunately.
I'm doing a quick one this year... it will (re)complete my 30 current park tour. The dates are set now, so here is my schedule.

June 16th - Camden Yards - my 3rd time
June 17th - Citizens Bank Park - my 2nd time
June 18th - Yankee Stadium (new) - my 1st time
June 19th - Citi Field - my 1st time
June 20th - Nationals Field - my 1st time and #30 current park for me!
No plans for me yet. My wife and I are leaving tomorrow for Paris for 5 days and then Dubai for 7 days! Last time I checked there were no baseball stadiums to visit in the Middle East! :)

Hopefully, I will get to NY to see the new parks during their inaugural year. That would be great!
Dubai? My wife and I have friends over there and they have been wanting us to come over and visit. Would be interesting, but a 4 hour flight to the East Coast is WAY TOO LONG for me, let alone to the Middle East. You're right, no baseball stadiums over there, big ones anyway.
Tell me about it! We have a 10 hour flight to Paris and then over 6 hours to Dubai! Even longer on the way home....sigh.
My big trip this year is to NYC to check out both new ballparks.
6/17-18 Yankees vs. Nats
6/19-20 Mets vs Rays

Also, making the drive from Memphis up to St. Louis 4/10-11 (3rd visit to new Busch) for the Astros-Cards, and a weekend trip to Atlanta 5/1-3 (2nd visit to Turner Field) for the Astros-Braves.

And a 2nd trip to St. Louis in wife's friend is getting married and the bride has chosen to have the wedding reception in one of the party suites for the Cards/Rockies game.
Thats pretty wild, we're gonna be at the same games in NYC... as I will be at the Yanks vs Nats game on the 18th and the Mets vs Rays on the 19th! Where ya sittin? :)
haven't bought tickets yet...will probably buy from, but I'm waiting to find out when Mets single game tix for June go on sale (April and May games went on sale today, I believe). Yankee tix are expensive on stubhub.
First trip of this year was to Toronto last weekend for the WBC. This was a spur of the moment trip and I only did it because I got tickets for $12, got the hotel on points, and was able to drive instead of fly.
In April I fly to Los Angeles and do a driving tour to Chase Field, Petco Park, Dodger Stadium, Angel Stadium, and SBC Park (2nd time).
In June I will get to the two new New York parks, easy day trips as I live in Connecticut.
Then on to Colorado and Coors Field in July. After this game I will have been to all 30 current parks and an overall total of 34 (old Yankee Stadium, Shea Stadium, old Busch Stadium, and old Tiger Stadium.
I feel blessed to be able to continue taking trips such as these and to eventually complete the goal of seeing all 30 parks. Road trips are truly one of the great joys in life for me.
Glad you asked. My friends are going to all 30 in just 30 days. Check out the website and go to the trip tracker page for the complete schedule. We are making a documentary about the whole trip and much of the proceeds are going to The Boys and Girls Club of American. We would love to get some feedback from fellow enthusiasts on things to see and do to help make the film as entertaining as possible. Also, let us know if you want to meet up at a game and hang out.

very cool, I look forward to tracking their progress on the website and purchasing the DVD. I'll be in Atlanta for the game on May 3rd...would like to hook up with the crew and meet them if possible. Good luck!
I'm graduating from college in May, and as a celebration, my brother has tossed around the idea of an East Coast swing: BOS, NYY, NYM, PHI, BAL, WAS. If that doesn't happen, I will most likely get to the new New York's and Philly with friends.



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